3rd Doğanköy Hawthorn Festival

It is that time of year again and an event to look forward to is the 3rd Doğanköy Hawthorn Festival which will be held in the village in conjunction with Kyrenia Council and the Doğanköy Muhtarlığı.

The festival will take place on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th November. There will be many stalls selling a lot different things, folk dancing and other entertainment. It may be a good opportunity for some early Christmas shopping.

The Doğanköy Community Association work hard for the village and especially the maintenance of the beautiful church which is a lovely venue for wedding, blessings, exhibitions, coffee mornings etc. The building has been carefully restored but to keep it in a pristine condition needs on-going maintenance by way of fundraising.

Hawthorn is used to promote the health of the circulatory system, treat angina, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and cardiac arrhythmia and has been found to strengthen the heart. Hawthorn is widely regarded in Europe as a safe and effective treatment for the early stages of heart disease and has been used for a number of ailments including angina, myocarditis, arteriosclerosis, nervous conditions like insomnia, and diarrhea. It has also been indicated for strengthening blood vessels, vascular insufficiency and blood clots, restoring the heart muscle wall, lowering cholesterol and to aid digestion.



About Salahi Misal 551 Articles
Was born and raised in London and first came to North Cyprus as a child where he lived for two and a half years. The Island left a long lasting impression on him, for after travelling the world and experiencing many different cultures and ways of life, Cyprus was always there. Sal, as his friends call him, has always had a passion for Art & Design and studied the subject for over ten years and resulted in him specializing in the design and production of contemporary furniture. He has worked in this field for twenty years now. After not having visited the Island for fifteen years he followed his heart back to North Cyprus, where he’s lived for the last four years. Now Sal works on a creative basis for NC Magazine.