Today, 11th October, a Yoga talk took place by Stephanie Croft-Harrison at the Pia Bella Hotel.
The next talk will be about Reflexology and it will take place on October 22nd by Maxine Callaghan. She will explain the value of reflexology and provide “taster” sessions. Please bring a mat or towel with you and wear comfortable clothing. All other details as below.
All the talks start at 10.30am and take place at the Pia Bella Hotel. They will finish approximately 12:00, noon. If you park at the back of the hotel in their car park and walk through the grounds you will find the hall at the first building on the left. Entrance is only 10TL and you will receive a coffee or a tea and the money will go to Tulips. Pia Bella Hotel is sponsoring all these talks so the full 10TL will go to Tulips.
To make a reservation, please call Jane on 0542 8826063.