A name that is placed next to Einstein, Maxwell, Faraday, Leibnitz, Ohm, Ampere and all the other legendary figures of science. But does he deserve to be there, or does he deserve to be on top of them all?
It was July 10, 1856 that he first saw the light of day at Smiljan (located in contemporary Serbia – modern day Croatia – which, at the time was part of the Austrian Empire) and through his life he has patented over 300 inventions.
Typically he is referred to as an inventor and an electrical/mechanical engineer who studied at Graz University and dropped out. It is curious that the person responsible for the basis of our modern science did not even finish his studies.
What is he responsible for? Let’s begin with alternate current (AC), high voltage transfers and high frequency power, without which we would still be using direct current and voltages up to 30 Volts. Then we go to the induction motor, rotating magnetic fields, radio remote control devices and a project that he did not manage to finish, X-rays. Still doubt that he was a genius?
His thoughts and ideas made the other scientists of his era describe him as a “mad scientist”. And yet, people saw fit to name the unit of magnetic measurement after him. And yet, the Americans saw fit to offer him incentives to move to the U.S.A. and continue his work there. And yet, there were people that funded him with a lot of capital so that he would be able to complete his experiments and present his inventions: 300 of them. What a mad scientist!
But it is not his recognized work that is the scope of this article. It is his secret and unrecognized work that we will be discussing. It is those theories that were regarded as so extravagant that earned him the title and yet, nowadays, they may have been put into effect, and no one acknowledges that they are based on the notions of a mad scientist 100 plus years ago!
Discoveries, experiments and notes that were hidden from the general public and were implemented solely on governmental and military projects with results that could threaten the entire world, what are they?
To read more please check out part two coming up.