There are many reasons to love North Cyprus. One of them is that you can always buy fresh fruit and vegetables at cheap prices! Fill the bags with ripe tomatoes, sprawling lettuce, summery cauliflowers and perfect oranges for just a few bucks! The range may vary depending on the season – just as it should when shopping locally produced.
In Cyprus, it is not food stores that have the best range of fruit and vegetables. Instead, the markets, the so-called fruit bazaars that are found along the roads, have the best goods. Here is where all locals as well as tourists and restaurant owners buy their green products.
The biggest, and our absolute favourite of all the bazaars, is Ya Beles that can be found both in Alsancak and Çatalköy. It is a pleasure for the eye to shop here! All fruits and vegetables are fresh for the day and neatly stacked on the shelves. You can take your time going around the colourful outdoor store. Here most people come come across someone they know to stop and chat with. At Ya Beles shoppers are always graciously welcomed by the Cypriot owners and besides fruit and vegetables you can buy locally produced goods such as halloumi cheese, eggs, olive oil, nuts and bread. Some herbs, such as basil, are available by the cashier so just ask if there is something you are looking for.
Opening hours:
Every day, between the hours 06:00 and 21:00.
Ya Beles in Catalköy:
Ya Beles in Alsancak: